The Department is conducting public hearings to gather input on specific regulations on April 14th and April 15th in New Castle, Sussex, and Kent County. More Info
The reports on this website are available in PDF format. This requires the use of an Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or higher, which may be downloaded free of charge from Adobe Systems.
Advisory Council On Revenues Final Report
Established Under The Provisions Of Executive Order No. 47.(Submitted May 2015).
Required by Section 8305(6), Title 29, Delaware Code the Tax Preference Report assesses the impact of tax preferences on the personal income tax, corporate income tax, motor fuel / special fuel tax, and public utility tax codes.
Delaware’s General Fund Revenue Portfolio
A report submitted in fulfillment of Senate Joint Resolution No. 5 (144th General Assembly). The report provides an assessment of existing and potential additional sources of revenue.
Policy Implications of Delaware’s Tax Treatment of Retirement Income
A report submitted to the Joint Finance Committee in response to Section 130 of the FY 2013 Budget Act. This report examines the options available to equalize the tax treatment of retirees who are not covered or are only partially covered by the Social Security System with those retirees receiving Social Security income which is presently tax exempt
Related Topics: gross receipts, license, motor fuel, preference, public utility, report, special fuel, tax, withholding